
Florida Technical College has an open enrollment policy and convenient class start dates throughout the year. Our knowledgeable college admissions representatives are always available to answer your questions.

Committed to Your Success

At Florida Technical College, we care. We understand that pursuing a new career or advancement in your existing career is a big decision and takes time, effort and commitment on your part. We feel strongly that the best decision is an informed decision and will work with you to provide you with all of the information you need about FTC and the programs we offer. Our college admissions representatives are professional and knowledgeable and will take the time to listen to your needs and goals. They can help you find the right program for you based on your interests and your career objectives. Your admissions representative will also assist you with the admissions process, helping you to understand the admissions requirements, procedures, deadlines and will introduce you to our helpful financial aid staff. When you meet with one of our knowledgeable financial aid administrators, he or she will go over all of your financial options, including the Florida Technical College scholarships that are available to both new and returning students.

More Than Just a College

You will find that our campuses are like one big family. FTC is very active in the community – it sponsors numerous community charities and participates in many community events. This sense of togetherness, family, and community is at the core FTC’s existence. Our success is in our people – our students, our staff, and our faculty. At FTC, you are never alone. We will be with you every step of the way as you work to fulfill your dream of a promising future and new career. Schedule a time to talk with a friendly and knowledgeable Florida Technical College admissions representative by completing the Request for Information form.

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in Many Specialties

FTC offers degrees and diplomas in many specialities. The best way to learn more about us is to schedule an appointment with an admissions representative and take a no-obligation tour of one of our campuses.

Schedule your appointment now!